1 ♦ road
♦ road /rəʊd/n.1 strada: a bumpy road, una strada accidentata; an icy road, una strada ghiacciata; a back road, una strada secondaria; main road, strada principale (o maestra); arterial road, strada di grande comunicazione; major road, arteria principale; strada maestra; a busy road, una strada con molto traffico; a country road, una strada di campagna; toll road, strada a pedaggio; fast road, strada a scorrimento veloce; the road to London, la strada per Londra; by road, su strada ( non per ferrovia); across the road, dall'altra parte della strada; along [up, down] the road, più avanti (sulla stessa strada); the road branches, la strada si biforca; the road winds, la strada gira; The car went off the road and crashed into a fence, l'auto è uscita di strada ed è andata a sbattere contro un recinto; to cross a road, attraversare una strada3 (fig.) via; strada: the road to success, la via del successo; She on the road to recovery, è in via di guarigione; You're going down a dangerous road, ti sei messo su una brutta strada● road accident, incidente stradale □ ( slang USA) road apples, escrementi (fam. ‘polpette’) di cavallo □ road block ► roadblock □ road book, guida stradale □ road bump, cunetta □ (trasp.) road carrier, vettore stradale □ (autom.) «road closed» ( cartello), «strada interrotta» □ (teatr., USA) road company, compagnia di giro □ road conditions, viabilità □ ( ciclismo) road course, percorso su strada □ road crew, seguito di un musicista in tournée □ road crossing, crocevia; crocicchio □ ( sport) road cycling, ciclismo su strada □ road fork, forcella ( di bicicletta) □ (autom.) road-fund licence, licenza (o bollo) di circolazione □ (autom.) road fund licence fee, tassa di circolazione □ road gang, squadra di addetti a lavori stradali □ road haulage, trasporto su strada (o su gomma) □ road haulier, trasportatore su strada; vettore □ (fam.) road hog, pirata della strada □ (autom.) road holding ► roadholding □ road hump, dosso (stradale) artificiale; dosso rallentatore □ road kill, animale investito lasciato morto sulla strada □ (autom.) road link-up, punto di raccordo (stradale) □ road manager, organizzatore dei trasporti per un complesso di musicisti (spec., per un complesso rock) □ road map, carta stradale; (fig. USA) spiegazione dettagliata; piano d'azione (o d'intervento) □ (autom.) road markings, segnaletica orizzontale □ road-mender, cantoniere; stradino □ road metal, brecciame; pietrisco □ road movie, road movie ( film la cui trama è imperniata sul viaggio del protagonista) □ (autom.) «road narrows» ( cartello), «strettoia» □ road network, rete stradale □ road noise, rumore del traffico stradale □ (GB) road pricing, pedaggio stradale □ ( sport) road race, corsa su strada; gara su strada □ road racing, le corse su strada □ ( ciclismo) road-racer, stradista; routier (franc.) □ road rage, litigio violento tra automobilisti: a road rage incident, un incidente causato da un alterco tra automobilisti □ road roller, compressore stradale □ ( podismo) road run, corsa su strada □ road section, tronco stradale □ (autom.) road sense, capacità di destreggiarsi nel traffico □ road show ► roadshow □ road sign, segnale stradale ( verticale; ► marker, def. 12); cartello stradale; indicatore stradale □ road signal, segnale stradale □ (collett.) road signs, segnaletica ( verticale) □ (autom.) road tax, tassa di circolazione □ (autom.) road test, collaudo su strada; prova su strada; ( USA) esame di guida □ road traffic, traffico stradale □ (leg.) road traffic offence, contravvenzione al codice della strada □ (Austral.) road train, autotreno a uno o due rimorchi □ road tunnel, galleria stradale □ (autom.) road tyre, pneumatico da strada ( non da corsa) □ (autom.) «road under repair (o road up)» ( cartello), «lavori in corso» □ (autom., fam.) to burn the road, divorare la strada; andare a tutto gas (o a tutta birra) □ (fig.) down the road, in futuro, più in là □ to get out of the road, togliersi di mezzo □ (fig.) to go down that road, mettersi su quella strada: She's been taking drugs in the past, but is now determined never to go down that road again, ha fatto uso di droga in passato, ma è decisa a non rimettersi più su quella strada □ (fam. USA) to hit the road, partire; mettersi in viaggio; ( anche) mettersi in marcia, riprendere il viaggio □ (autom., fam.) to hog the road, guidare in modo spericolato □ (autom.: di un veicolo) to hold the road, tenere la strada □ to be on the road, essere per strada (o in viaggio, in cammino); ( di un automezzo) essere (ancora) in circolazione (o in buono stato); (teatr., sport) essere in tournée □ to be on sb. 's road, stare tra i piedi a q. □ to be on the right road, essere sulla strada giusta ( anche fig.) □ (fam.) DIALOGO → - Last drink- Shall we have one for the road?, prendiamo il bicchiere della staffa? □ to take to the road, mettersi in cammino; mettersi in viaggio; (stor.) darsi alla macchia (o al brigantaggio); ( ora) darsi al vagabondaggio □ «No road markings» ( cartello), «segnaletica in rifacimento».NOTA D'USO: - street, road o way?- -
2 road
road [rəʊd]1 noun∎ minor road route f secondaire;∎ by road par la route;∎ the Liverpool road la route de Liverpool;∎ is this the (right) road for or to Liverpool? est-ce la (bonne) route pour Liverpool?;∎ are we on the right road? sommes-nous sur la bonne route?;∎ on the road to Liverpool, the car broke down en allant à Liverpool, la voiture est tombée en panne;∎ we took the road from Manchester to Liverpool on a pris la route qui va de Manchester à Liverpool ou qui relie Manchester à Liverpool;∎ to be on the road (travelling) être en route ou chemin ou voyage; (salesman) être sur la route; (pop star, troupe) être en tournée;∎ we've been on the road since six o'clock this morning nous roulons depuis six heures ce matin;∎ his car shouldn't be on the road sa voiture devrait être retirée de la circulation;∎ someone of his age shouldn't be on the road une personne de son âge ne devrait pas prendre le volant;∎ British the price on the road excludes number plates and delivery le prix clés en mains ne comprend pas les frais de livraison et d'immatriculation;∎ my car is off the road at the moment ma voiture est en panne ou chez le garagiste∎ a road of shops/of houses une rue de magasins/de maisons, une artère commerçante/résidentielle;∎ he lives just down the road il habite un peu plus loin dans la même rue;∎ Mr James from across the road M. James qui habite en face;∎ he lives across the road from us il habite en face de chez nous∎ to stand in the middle of the road se tenir au milieu de la route ou de la chaussée;∎ figurative let's get this show on the road! bon, on y va!;∎ familiar one for the road un petit coup avant de partir;∎ proverb the road to hell is paved with good intentions l'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions∎ if we go down that road si nous nous engageons sur cette voie;∎ we don't want to go down the road of military intervention nous ne voulons pas nous engager dans la voie d'une intervention armée;∎ to be on the right road être sur la bonne voie;∎ to be on the road to success/recovery être sur le chemin de la réussite/en voie de guérison;∎ he is on the road to an early death il est (bien) parti pour mourir jeune;∎ down the road (in the future) à l'avenir;∎ no one can see what is down the road personne ne peut savoir ce que l'avenir réserve;∎ a few years down the road dans quelques années;∎ yes, when I'm seventy, but that's a long way down the road (yet) oui, quand j'aurai soixante-dix ans, mais ce n'est pas pour tout de suite;∎ British familiar you're in my road! (I can't pass) vous me bouchez le passage!□ ; (I can't see) vous me bouchez la vue!□ ;∎ familiar it was getting in the road of solving the problem cela empêchait de résoudre le problème□ ;∎ proverb all roads lead to Rome tous les chemins mènent à Rome∎ any road (up) de toute façon□ ;∎ it's too late, any road de toute façon, c'est trop tardroad atlas atlas m routier;road book guide m routier;road haulage camionnage m, transports mpl routiers;road haulage company entreprise f de transports routiers;road haulage forwarding agent groupeur m routier;road haulier transporteur m routier, affréteur m routier;familiar road kill = animaux écrasés par des voitures;road maintenance voirie f;road manager responsable mf de tournée (d'un chanteur ou d'un groupe pop);road map carte f routière;road movie road-movie m;road pricing = instauration d'un système de routes à péage;road race (in cycling) course f cycliste sur route;road rage = accès de colère provoqué par la conduite des autres automobilistes;road roller rouleau m compresseur;road safety sécurité f routière;road sense (for driver) sens m de la conduite;∎ children have to be taught road sense on doit apprendre aux enfants à faire attention à la circulation;road sign panneau m de signalisation;British road tax taxe f sur les automobiles;∎ have you paid your road tax? ≃ est-ce que tu as acheté ta vignette?;road tax disc ≃ vignette f (automobile);road test essai m sur route;road train train m ou convoi m routier;road transport transports mpl routiers;road transport company entreprise f de transport routier;road works travaux mpl (d'entretien des routes) -
3 road
- road
- n1. дорога, путь
2. штрек
- access road
- all-purpose road
- approach road
- arterial road
- asphalt road
- backbone road
- bottle-neck road
- bypass road
- classified road
- county road
- cross roads
- crossover road
- densely-trafficked road
- deplaning road
- depressed road
- detour road
- dirt road
- distribute road
- district road
- divided road
- dual carriageway road
- earth road
- elevated road
- emplaning road
- estate road
- haul road
- ice road
- interior road
- land service road
- limited access road
- logging road
- lumber road
- main road
- major road
- minor road
- motor road
- mountain road
- occupation road
- paved road
- pioneer road
- principal road
- private road
- radial road
- relief road
- residential road
- ring road
- scenic road
- secondary road
- service road
- single-purpose road
- slip road
- specific road
- subsidiary road
- toll road
- township road
- trunk road
- unpaved road
- winter snow road
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
4 road
road [rəʊd]• this vehicle shouldn't be on the road on ne devrait pas laisser circuler un véhicule dans cet état• to be on the road [salesman, theatre company] être en tournée• is this the road to London? c'est (bien) la route de Londres ?• he has no road sense [driver] il conduit mal ; [pedestrian] il ne fait jamais attention à la circulation ► road show noun (TV, radio) émission f itinérante• they are road-testing the car tomorrow ils vont faire les essais sur route demain ► road traffic noun circulation f routière* * *[rəʊd] 1.1) ( between places) route facross the road — de l'autre côté de la route, en face
down the road — plus bas, plus loin
transported by road — transporté par or sur route
to take (to) the road — prendre la route, se mettre en route
to be on the road — [car] être en état de rouler; [driver] être sur la route; [band, performers] être en tournée
to be off the road — [vehicle] être hors d'usage
2) ( in built-up area) rue f2.he lives just along ou down the road — il habite un peu plus loin dans la rue
noun modifier [ condition, network, map, safety] routier/-ière; [ repair] des routes; [ accident] de la route•• -
5 road
A n1 ( between places) route f (from de ; to à) ; the road to Leeds, the Leeds road la route de Leeds ; the road north/inland la route du nord/qui mène à l'intérieur ; the road home la route qui mène à la maison ; the road back to sth la route du retour à qch ; are we on the right road for Oxford? c'est bien la route pour Oxford? ; follow the road round to the right suivez la route qui tourne à droite ; follow the road ahead allez tout droit ; a dog in the road un chien sur la route ; after three hours on the road après trois heures de route ; across the road de l'autre côté de la route, en face ; along the road plus loin ; it's just along the road c'est juste un peu plus loin ; down the road plus bas, plus loin ; by road par la route ; transported by road transporté par or sur route ; to hit the road ○, to take (to) the road prendre la route, se mettre en route ; to be on the road [car] être en état de rouler ; a bargain at £5,000 on the road une occasion à 5 000 livres sterling clés en main ; [driver, person] être sur la route ; [band, performers] être en tournée ; to be ou get back on the road reprendre la route ; I've been on the road all night j'ai roulé toute la nuit ; to go on the road with a show partir en tournée avec un spectacle ; to be off the road [vehicle] être hors d'usage ;2 ( in built-up area) rue f ; at the top ou end of my road au bout de ma rue ; he lives just along ou down the road il habite un peu plus loin dans la rue ; Tom from down the road Tom qui habite plus bas dans la rue ;3 fig ( way) voie f ; a difficult road to follow une voie difficile à suivre ; to be on the road to success/disaster être sur la voie du succès/désastre ; we think we're on the right road nous pensons être sur la bonne voie ; we don't want to go down that road nous ne voulons pas suivre cette voie ; they are further down ou along the road to union ils sont plus avancés sur la voie de l'union ; somewhere along the road she learned en cours de route elle a appris ; to reach the end of the road déboucher sur une impasse ; it's the end of the road for us c'est la fin pour nous ; (get) out of my road ○ ! dégage ○ ! ;4 Naut rade f.B modif [bridge, condition, congestion, junction, layout, network, map, safety, surface, traffic] routier/-ière ; [building, construction, maintenance, repair, resurfacing] des routes ; [accident] de la route.any road (up) ○ GB dial n'importe comment ○ ; let's get this show on the road! c'est parti! ; one for the road un dernier verre pour la route. -
6 road
road [rəυd] n1) доро́га, путь, шоссе́;country road просёлочная доро́га
;to be on the road быть в пути́
2) у́лица, мостова́я, прое́зжая часть у́лицы;to cross the road перейти́ у́лицу
3) путь (к чему-л.), спо́соб (достижения чего-л.);no royal road to smth. нелёгкий спо́соб достиже́ния чего́-л.
4) горн. штрек5) амер. желе́зная доро́га6) (обыкн. pl) мор. рейд7) attr. доро́жный;road sign доро́жный знак
а) разъезжа́ть ( о коммивояжёре);б) быть на гастро́лях, в турне́;в) бродя́жничать [см. тж. 1)];to be in the road, to get in smb.'s road стоя́ть поперёк доро́ги, меша́ть, препя́тствовать
;one for the road после́дняя рю́мка, выпива́емая пе́ред ухо́дом, «посошо́к»
7 road
road (Rd) LOGIS Straße f, Weg m • be on the road 1. GEN geschäftlich unterwegs sein; 2. LOGIS unterwegs sein • on the road to GEN auf dem Weg zu [nach] -
8 Road up '
Road up 'путь закрыт' (дорожный знак) -
9 road
10 road up
11 road
English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > road
12 road
An established surface route on the movement area meant for the exclusive use of vehicles.(AN 14/I)Official term and definition added to Annex 14/1 by Amdt 1 (09/11/1995).Установленный в пределах рабочей площади наземный маршрут, предназначенный для исключительного использования транспортными средствами.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > road
13 road
ROAD, reorganization objectives, Army divisionEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > ROAD
15 road
1) = safety barrier2) дорога; путь; шоссе; улица; мостовая; II дорожный- road beacon - road-blading - road-block - Road Board - road border - road brightness - road buildings - road call - road clearance - road conditions - road congestion - road contact of tyre - road crossing - road fork - road-hugging - road hump - road illumination - road in a bad state of repair - road inequalities - road lay-out - road leveller - road location - road machinery - road maintenance - road map - road metal - road money - road noise - road obstruction - road of bridge- road oil- road racing - road resistance - road ripper - road roller - road section - road-sense - road service - road shocks - road shoulder - road side - road sign - road speed - road stability - road straights - road surface - road sweeper - road sweeping machine - road system - road-tanker - road tar - road tell-tale light - road train - road transport - road turn - road under repair - road upkeep - road usage - road vehicle units - road wander - road wave - road wear - road weight - road wheel - road wheel contact - road wheel torque meter- by-road- dry road- hay road- ice road- oil mat road - open road - rippled road - rock road - rough road - rural road - rut-road - rutted road - rutty road - safe fast road - sand-clay road - sand-gravel road - sandwich concrete road - second-class road - secondary road - service road - service motor road - side-road - silicated road - single-lane road - slick road - slippery road - slushy road - soil road - soil-asphalt road - soil bituminous road - soil-cement road - spur road - stable soil road - stony road - sunk road - sunken road - surfaced road - tar-sprayed road - tarred road - through road - through traffic road - toll road - top-soil road - tortuous road - tote road - tough road - township roads - traffic road - traffic-bound road - travel road - twisting road - twisty road - two-coat road - two-track road - two-way road - uneven road - unimproved road - unmetalled road - urban through road - wagon road - washboard road - water-bound broken-stone road - well-bottomed road - wet road - winding road - wire-mesh road - wood road - worn-down road -
16 road
rəud1) (a strip of ground usually with a hard level surface for people, vehicles etc to travel on: This road takes you past the school; (also adjective) road safety.) camino; carreera2) ((often abbreviated to Rd when written) used in the names of roads or streets: His address is 24 School Road.) calle3) (a route; the correct road(s) to follow in order to arrive somewhere: We'd better look at the map because I'm not sure of the road.) camino4) (a way that leads to something: the road to peace; He's on the road to ruin.) camino•- road map
- roadside
- roadway
- roadworks
- roadworthy
- roadworthiness
- by road
road n1. carretera2. callewhich road do you live in? ¿en qué calle vives?tr[rəʊd]1 carretera2 (way) camino\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLin the road familiar estorbando el pasoroad accident accidente nombre masculino de tráficoroad hog conductor,-ra desconsiderado,-a y agresivo,-aroad network red nombre femenino viariaroad safety seguridad nombre femenino vialroad sign señal nombre femenino de tráficoroad tax impuesto de circulaciónroad ['ro:d] n1) : carretera f, calle f, camino m2) path: camino m, sendero m, vía fon the road to a solution: en vías de una soluciónadj.• camino, -a adj.• carretera adj.n.• arriate s.m.• calle s.f.• camino s.m.• carrera s.f.• carretera s.f.• derrota s.f.• estrada s.f.• vía s.f.rəʊd1) ( for vehicles - in town) calle f; (- out of town) carretera f; (- minor) camino mfive miles down the road — a cinco millas siguiendo la carretera/el camino
there's a baker's over o across the road — enfrente or al otro lado de la calle hay una panadería
by road — por carretera, por tierra
my car's off the road — (BrE) tengo el coche fuera de circulación or averiado
to take to the road — empezar* a vagar por los caminos
to have one for the road — (colloq) tomarse la del estribo, tomarse la penúltima; (before n) < accident> de tráfico or (AmL tb) de tránsito
road racing — ( in car) carreras fpl automovilísticas ( en carretera); ( on foot) carrera f a pie por carretera
road safety — seguridad f en la carretera
road sense — instinto m de conductor
road transport — transporte m por carretera
2) (route, way) camino mwe're on the right road — vamos por buen camino or bien encaminados
this could mean the end of the road for the company — esto podría acabar con la compañía or causar la quiebra de la compañía
3)[rǝʊd]on the road: that car shouldn't be on the road ese coche no debería estar en circulación; we've been on the road for four days llevamos cuatro días viajando; they were on the road before six se pusieron en camino antes de las seis, antes de las seis ya estaban en camino; to take a circus/band on the road llevar un circo/un grupo de gira; let's get this show on the road — (colloq) pongamos manos a la obra
1. N1) (residential: Road) calle f; (=main road) carretera f; (=route) camino m; (=surface) firme m; (=roadway, not pavement) calzada f•
across the road — al otro lado de la calle•
by road — por carretera•
to be on the road — (=be travelling) estar en camino; (Comm) ser viajante de comercio; (Mus, Theat) estar de girato take to the road — [tramp] ponerse en camino
the road to Teruel — el camino de Teruel2) (fig)•
somewhere along the road — tarde o temprano•
our relationship has reached the end of the road — nuestras relaciones han llegado al punto final•
to be on the right road — ir por buen caminoRome•
the road to success — el camino del éxito3) **(fig) (=way)4) roads (Naut) (=roadstead) rada fsing2.CPDroad accident N — accidente m de tráfico, accidente m de circulación, accidente m de tránsito (LAm)
road atlas N — mapa m de carreteras
road bridge N — puente m de carretera
road construction N — construcción f de carreteras
road haulage N — transporte m por carretera
road haulier N — (=company) compañía f de transporte por carretera; (=person) transportista mf
road junction N — empalme m
road manager N — (Mus) encargado(-a) m / f del transporte del equipo
road map N — (lit) mapa m de carreteras; (for future actions) hoja f de ruta
road map to peace — hoja f de ruta para la paz
road metal N — grava f, lastre m
road movie N — película f de carretera, road movie f
road pricing N — (Brit) sistema electrónico que permite el cobro de peaje a conductores en ciertas carreteras
road racer N — (Cycling) ciclista mf de fondo en carretera
road rage * N — conducta agresiva de los conductores
road repairs NPL — obras fpl en la vía
road roller N — apisonadora f
road safety N — seguridad f vial
road sense N — conocimiento m de la carretera
road surface N — firme m
road sweeper N — (=person) barrendero(-a) m / f; (=vehicle) máquina f barrendera
road traffic N — circulación f
road traffic accident N — = road accident
road transport N — transportes mpl por carretera
road trial N — = road test
road user N — usuario(-a) m / f de la vía pública
road vehicle N — vehículo m de motor, vehículo m de carretera
* * *[rəʊd]1) ( for vehicles - in town) calle f; (- out of town) carretera f; (- minor) camino mfive miles down the road — a cinco millas siguiendo la carretera/el camino
there's a baker's over o across the road — enfrente or al otro lado de la calle hay una panadería
by road — por carretera, por tierra
my car's off the road — (BrE) tengo el coche fuera de circulación or averiado
to take to the road — empezar* a vagar por los caminos
to have one for the road — (colloq) tomarse la del estribo, tomarse la penúltima; (before n) < accident> de tráfico or (AmL tb) de tránsito
road racing — ( in car) carreras fpl automovilísticas ( en carretera); ( on foot) carrera f a pie por carretera
road safety — seguridad f en la carretera
road sense — instinto m de conductor
road transport — transporte m por carretera
2) (route, way) camino mwe're on the right road — vamos por buen camino or bien encaminados
this could mean the end of the road for the company — esto podría acabar con la compañía or causar la quiebra de la compañía
3)on the road: that car shouldn't be on the road ese coche no debería estar en circulación; we've been on the road for four days llevamos cuatro días viajando; they were on the road before six se pusieron en camino antes de las seis, antes de las seis ya estaban en camino; to take a circus/band on the road llevar un circo/un grupo de gira; let's get this show on the road — (colloq) pongamos manos a la obra
17 road
noun1) Straße, dieLondon/Shelley Road — Londoner Straße/Shelleystraße
‘road up’ — "Straßenarbeiten"
across or over the road [from us] — [bei uns od. (geh.) uns (Dat.)] gegenüber
off the road — (being repaired) in der Werkstatt; in Reparatur
one for the road — (coll.) ein Glas zum Abschied
be on the road — auf Reisen od. unterwegs sein; [Theaterensemble usw.:] auf Tournee od. (ugs.) Tour (Dat.) sein
put a vehicle on the road — ein Fahrzeug in Betrieb nehmen
2) (means of access) Weg, derset somebody on the road to ruin — jemanden ins Verderben führen
be on the right road — auf dem richtigen Weg sein
end of the road — (destination) Ziel, das; (limit) Ende, das
get in somebody's road — (coll.) jemandem in die Quere kommen (ugs.)
get out of my road! — (coll.) geh mir aus dem Weg!
4) (Amer.) see academic.ru/60118/railway">railway5) (Mining) Strecke, die6) usu. in pl. (Naut.) Reede, die* * *[rəud]1) (a strip of ground usually with a hard level surface for people, vehicles etc to travel on: This road takes you past the school; ( also adjective) road safety.) die Straße; Straßen-...2) ((often abbreviated to Rd when written) used in the names of roads or streets: His address is 24 School Road.) die Straße3) (a route; the correct road(s) to follow in order to arrive somewhere: We'd better look at the map because I'm not sure of the road.) der Weg4) (a way that leads to something: the road to peace; He's on the road to ruin.) der Weg•- roadblock- road map
- roadside
- roadway
- roadworks
- roadworthy
- roadworthiness
- by road* * *[rəʊd, AM roʊd]nis this the \road to Burlington? ist das die Straße nach Burlington?all \roads into the town were blocked by snow sämtliche Zufahrtsstraßen in die Stadt waren völlig zugeschneiton this/the other side of the \road auf dieser/der anderen Straßenseitebusy \road stark befahrene Straßedirt \road Feldweg mimpassable \road unpassierbare Straßemain \road Hauptstraße fto cross the \road die Straße überquerenI live in 77 Mill R\road ich wohne in der Mill Road [Nr.] 77to be on the \road to recovery sich akk auf dem Wege der Besserung befindento be on the right \road auf dem richtigen Weg sein8.▶ by \road mit dem Auto/Bus/LKW▶ to come to the end of the \road zu Ende seinmy relationship with Ann has come to the end of the \road mit Ann ist Schluss fam▶ \road to Damascus prägendes, einschneidendes Erlebnismeeting Martin Luther King was a \road to Damascus for many people die Begegnung mit Martin Luther King war für viele Menschen ein Erlebnis, das ihr Leben entscheidend geprägt hat▶ the \road to hell is paved with good intentions ( saying) der Weg zur Hölle ist mit guten Absichten gepflastert hum▶ to be on the \road (performing at different venues) auf Tournee sein; (travelling by road) unterwegs sein; (fit for driving) straßentauglich sein* * *[rəʊd]n1) Straße f"road up" (Brit) — "Straßenbauarbeiten"
"road narrows" — "Straßenverengung"
she lives across the road ( from us) — sie wohnt gegenüber (von uns)
my car has never been/is never off the road — mein Auto war noch nie/ist nie in der Werkstatt
I hope to put the car back on the road soon — ich hoffe, das Auto bald wieder fahren zu können
he is a danger on the road — er ist eine Gefahr für den Straßenverkehr
to take to the road — sich auf den Weg machen, losfahren; (as tramp) Vagabund werden
is this the road to London? —
"Westlands/London road" — "Westlandsstraße/Londoner Straße"
on the road to ruin/success — auf dem Weg ins Verderben/zum Erfolg
somewhere along the road he changed his mind —
you're in my road ( Brit dial inf ) — du bist mir im Weg
See:= anyhow4)See:= railroad* * *road [rəʊd] s1. (Land)Straße f:across the road gegenüber;a) auf dem Straßenweg,b) mit dem Auto etc;a) im oder durchs Gelände,b) in der Werkstatt;take one’s car off the road sein Auto abmelden;a) auf der Straße,b) ( besonders geschäftlich) unterwegs, auf Reisen, auf Achse,c) THEAT etc auf Tournee oder umg Tour;get a play on the road mit einem Stück auf Tournee gehen;b) ein Tramp werden;hold the road well AUTO eine gute Straßenlage haben;“road up” „Straßenarbeiten!“;it is a long road that has no turning (Sprichwort) alles muss sich einmal ändern; → Damascus, Rome A2. BAHNa) Br Strecke fb) US Bahn f3. fig Weg m:be in sb’s road jemandem im Weg stehen;get sth out of the road etwas aus dem Weg räumen;the road to ruin (to success) der Weg ins Verderben (zum Erfolg)4. meist pl SCHIFF Reede f:lie in the roads auf der Reede liegenr. abk1. radius r2. rare3. recipe4. river5. road Str.6. ruledrd. abk1. road Str.3. round* * *noun1) Straße, diethe Birmingham/London road — die Straße nach Birmingham/London; (name of road/street)
London/Shelley Road — Londoner Straße/Shelleystraße
‘road up’ — "Straßenarbeiten"
across or over the road [from us] — [bei uns od. (geh.) uns (Dat.)] gegenüber
by road — (by car/bus) per Auto/Bus; (by lorry/truck) per Lkw
off the road — (being repaired) in der Werkstatt; in Reparatur
one for the road — (coll.) ein Glas zum Abschied
be on the road — auf Reisen od. unterwegs sein; [Theaterensemble usw.:] auf Tournee od. (ugs.) Tour (Dat.) sein
2) (means of access) Weg, derend of the road — (destination) Ziel, das; (limit) Ende, das
3) (one's way) Weg, derget in somebody's road — (coll.) jemandem in die Quere kommen (ugs.)
get out of my road! — (coll.) geh mir aus dem Weg!
4) (Amer.) see railway5) (Mining) Strecke, die6) usu. in pl. (Naut.) Reede, die* * *(nautical) n.Reede -n f. n.Autostraße f.Straße -n f.Weg -e m. -
18 road
дорога; путь; улица- abandoned road - access road - all-weather road - approach road - arterial road - asphaltic concrete road - backbone road - ballast road - belt road - bituminous road - bituminous penetration road - bituminous surface-treated road - black-top road - blind road - blind curved road - block-stone road - bottle-neck road - brick road - bridge road - broken-stone road - brushwood road - bumpy road - bypass road - cable road - camber road - cambered road - cart road - cement-bound road - cement-concrete road - clinker road - cold bituminous road - coloured concrete road - concrete road - congested road - construction access road - construction of roads - country road - cross-over road - crowned road - dangerous-bend road - depressed road - detour road - development road - dirt road - divided road - earth road - estate road - fair-weather road - feeder road - fine-crushed rock road - forked road - four-lane road - gravel road - greasy road - gypsum road - heavily travelled road - heavy road - heavy gumbo-soil road - hillside road - ice road - ice-covered road - improved road - levee road - limited-access road - low-cost road - low-type surfaced road - lumber plank road - macadam road - mixed bituminous road - mountain road - multi-lane road - narrow road - natural road - network of road - new road - oiled earth road - overhead road - parting road - poor road - primary road - primitive road - public road - radial road - ramp road - restricted speed road - retread road - ring road - rock road - rural road - sand-clay road - secondary road - service road - silicated road - single-lane road - snow road - soil-cement road - stabilized earth road - steep-ascent road - steep-descend road - stone road - summer road - sunk road - surface treated waterbound road - tangled road - through road - toll road - tote road - tractor road - traffic road - traffic-bound road - trail road - tram road - trunk road - turnpike road - two-coat road - two-lane road - undivided road - uneven road - unsurfaced road - untreated road - wagon road - washboard road - water-bound broken stone road - winding road - winter road - wood road* * *1. дорога, путь2. штрек- access road
- all-purpose road
- approach road
- arterial road
- asphalt road
- backbone road
- bottle-neck road
- bypass road
- classified road
- county road
- cross roads
- crossover road
- densely-trafficked road
- deplaning road
- depressed road
- detour road
- dirt road
- distribute road
- district road
- divided road
- dual carriageway road
- earth road
- elevated road
- emplaning road
- estate road
- haul road
- ice road
- interior road
- land service road
- limited access road
- logging road
- lumber road
- main road
- major road
- minor road
- motor road
- mountain road
- occupation road
- paved road
- pioneer road
- principal road
- private road
- radial road
- relief road
- residential road
- ring road
- scenic road
- secondary road
- service road
- single-purpose road
- slip road
- specific road
- subsidiary road
- toll road
- township road
- trunk road
- unpaved road
- winter snow road -
19 road
1) дорога; путь; шоссе2) улица3) дорожный•- all-weather road
- approach road
- arterial road
- asphalt road
- asphaltic concrete road
- back road
- belt road
- blind road
- bumpy road
- bypass road
- carriage road
- cart road
- check road
- circular road
- circumferential road
- concrete road
- country road
- crossover road
- detour road
- divided road
- dual road
- earth road
- estate road
- fair-weather road
- federal road
- feeder road
- four-lane road
- girdle road
- gravel road
- hard road
- hard-surface road
- heavy road
- impassable road
- lateral road
- level road
- local road
- loop road
- main road
- minor road
- motor road
- multilane road
- multiple-lane road
- national road
- natural road
- no-entry road
- one-lane road
- one-way road
- open road
- overhead road
- paved road
- poor road
- primary road
- public road
- ring road
- rising road
- rocky road
- rough road
- rural road
- safe fast road
- secondary road
- service road
- side road
- single-lane road
- slippery road
- snow road
- soil road
- spur road
- stony road
- strategic road
- surfaced road
- through road
- toll road
- traffic road
- trunk road
- turnpike road
- uneven road
- unpaved road
- unsurfaced road
- urban through road
- winding road
- worndown road -
20 road
1. n дорога, шоссеarterial road — магистраль, транспортная дорога
country road — грунтовая дорога; загородная дорога
high road — большая дорога, шоссе
road accidents — несчастные случаи на дорогах; дорожно-транспортные происшествия
road racer — гонщик по шоссе, шоссейник
2. n большая дорога3. n направление, дорога4. n путь, способroyal road — лёгкий путь, простой способ достижения
5. n улица; мостовая; проезжая часть улицыpaved road — мостовая; дорога с твёрдым покрытием
pedestrian road — улица, закрытая для автотранспорта
fair-weather road — дорога, проезжая в хорошую погоду
6. n роуд, магистральная улица37 York Rd — Йорк-роуд, 37
7. n амер. железная дорогаrelief road — обходная, объездная дорога
8. n амер. гастрольный маршрут; города, где проходят гастроли театральных трупп или спортивные состязания9. n обыкн. мор. рейд10. n горн. штрек, подземная выработка11. v находить по запахуdepressed road — дорога, проходящая под путепроводом
Синонимический ряд:1. avenue (noun) artery; avenue; boulevard; byway; channel; course; drive; freeway; highway; lane; line; passage; path; roadway; route; street; thoroughfare; track; way2. harbor (noun) anchorage; harbor; harborage; haven; port; riding; roads; roadstead
См. также в других словарях:
road — W1S1 [rəud US roud] n [: Old English; Origin: rad ride, journey ] 1.) [U and C] a specially prepared hard surface for cars, buses, bicycles etc to travel on →↑street, motorway ↑motorway, freeway ↑freeway ▪ I was driving along the road when a kid… … Dictionary of contemporary English
road — [ roud ] noun count *** 1. ) a way that leads from one place to another, especially one with a hard surface that cars and other vehicles can use: He was driving on the wrong side of the road. A cat suddenly ran into the middle of the road. All… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Road to... — Road to... refers to a series of seven comedy films starring Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Dorothy Lamour. They are also often referred to as Road pictures. The movies were a combination of adventure, comedy, romance, and music. The minimal plot… … Wikipedia
Road to... — Road to... Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Road to... es una serie de películas protagonizadas por Bob Hope, Bing Crosby y Dorothy Lamour. También son conocidas como Road Pictures. Sus tramas están llenas de aventuras, comedias, romance y musicales … Wikipedia Español
Road — (r[=o]), n. [AS. r[=a]d a riding, that on which one rides or travels, a road, fr. r[=i]dan to ride. See {Ride}, and cf. {Raid}.] 1. A journey, or stage of a journey. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] With easy roads he came to Leicester. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
road — ► NOUN 1) a wide way between places, especially one surfaced for use by vehicles. 2) a way to achieving a particular outcome. 3) a partly sheltered stretch of water near the shore in which ships can ride at anchor. ● down the road Cf. ↑down the… … English terms dictionary
road — road, street 1. According to a law of Henry I of England (1100–35), a street was to be sufficiently broad for two loaded carts to meet and for sixteen armed knights to ride abreast. The history of road and street and of other terms such as lane,… … Modern English usage
Road — kommt aus dem Englischen und bedeutet Straße, hauptsächlich werden Straßen außerorts oder am Stadtrand so bezeichnet. Außerdem sind einige Filme mit Road betitelt: Road (1987), britischer Spielfilm von Alan Clarke Road (2000), australischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
road — [rōd] n. [ME rode, a riding < OE rad, a ride, traveling on horseback, way; akin to ridan, to RIDE] 1. a way made for traveling between places, esp. distant places, by automobile, horseback, etc.; highway 2. a way; path; course [the road to… … English World dictionary
road — (n.) O.E. rad riding, hostile incursion, from P.Gmc. *ridanan, source of O.E. ridan (see RIDE (Cf. ride)). Also related to RAID (Cf. raid). In Middle English, a riding, a journey; sense of open way for traveling between two places is first… … Etymology dictionary
road up — Road surface being repaired • • • Main Entry: ↑road … Useful english dictionary